Me encanta complacer a las mujeres, y Marien me había pedido que pusiese vídeos. Con otras canciones no puedo (sencillamente no los hay... no es música "comercial"), así que he buscado una que sí tuviese. ¡Y qué vídeo! Es un auténtico espectáculo.
La canción “Lovely Ladies” forma parte del musical “Los Miserables”, basado en la famosa novela homónima de Víctor Hugo. El protagonista, Jean Valjean, representa mi modelo de hombre público: honrado, trabajador, abnegado, preocupado por quien lo necesita, incorruptible… y un perdedor eterno, ya que “incomprensiblemente” nunca se adapta al sistema sino que intenta construir un mañana mejor. Su destino sólo puede ser un despacho o el presidio.
En este fragmento la protagonista es Fantine, una ex obrera industrial que se ve abocada a la prostitución tras ser despedida. Más tarde Valjean se hará cargo de su hija, Cosette. La canción viene a ilustrar las desdichas de las prostitutas de aquel entonces, así que asistimos a toda una serie de estereotipos sobre la prostitución que desconozco si eran ciertos en el s.XVIII(presumiblemente sí, debido a la extendida precariedad laboral y al profundo sentimiento religioso entre la población general), pero que en estos momentos y en nuestro entorno son totalmente falsos. Pudiera ser que los abolicionistas pretendan trasponer la realidad de la Francia prerrevolucionaria a la España del siglo XXI, no sería de extrañar ya que tanto ellos como sus ideas se hallan OBSOLETOS.
Durante una de sus jornadas laborales Fantine encuentra a Bamatabois, un cliente que la trata con desprecio y la replica que ella no puede rechazarle. Discuten e interviene el inspector de policía Javert, quien detiene a Fantine. Ya en los calabozos Valjean intercede en su favor, logrando su libertad.
(Si no entendéis la letra puedo traducirla, aunque hay algunas partes que no soy capaz de comprender su significado literal)
I smell women, smell 'em in the air
think i'll drop my anchor in that harbor over there.
Lovely ladies, smell 'em through the smoke.
Seven days at sea can make you hungry for a poke.
Even stokers need a little stoke.
Lovely ladies, waiting for a bite.
Waiting for the customers who only come at night.
Lovely ladies, ready for the call.
Standing up or lying down or any way at all.
Bargain prices up against the wall.
What pretty hair.
What pretty locks you've got there.
What luck you've got.
It's worth a centime, my dear.
I'll take the lot.
Don't touch me! Leave me alone!
Let's make a price.
I'll give you all of ten francs.
- Just think of that.
- It pays my debt.
- Just think of that.
- What can I do? It pays a debt.
Ten francs may save my poor Cosette.
Old men, young men, take 'em as they come.
Harbor rats and alley cats and every kind of scum.
Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land.
See them with their trousers off, they're never quite as grand.
All it takes is money in their hand.Imagen que muestra una escena de prostitución callejera de la época. No me digan que estampas como ésta no tienen un encanto irresistible...
Lovely ladies, going for a song.
Got a lot of callers but they never stay for long.
Come on, Captain, you can wear your shoes.
Don't it make a change to have a girl who can't refuse?
Easy money, lying on a bed.
Just as well they never see the hate that's in your head.
Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?
Here's something new, I think I'll give it a try.
Come closer, you, I like to see what I buy.
The usual price for just one slice of your pie.
I don't want you.
No, no, monsieur, let me go.
Is this a trick? I won't pay more.
No, not at all.
You've got some nerve, you little whore.
You've got some gall!
It's the same with a tart as it is with a grocer.
The customer sees what he gets in advance.
It's not for the whore to say "yes, sir" or "no, sir".
It's not for the harlot to pick or to choose, or to lead me a dance.
I'll kill you, you bastard, try any of that!
Even a whore who has gone to the bad won't be had by a rat!
Tell me quickly, what's the story?
Who saw what and why and where?
Let him give a full description, let him answer to Javert.
In this nest of whores and vipers, let one speak who saw it all.
Who laid hands on this good man here? What's the substance of this brawl?
Javert, would you believe it!
I was crossing from the park
when this prostitute attacked me.
You can see she left her mark.
She will answer for her actions when you make a full report.
You may rest assured, monsieur, that she will answer to the court.
There's a child who sorely needs me.
Please, monsieur, she's but that high.
Holy God, is there no mercy?
If I go to jail, she'll die!
I have heard such protestations every day for twenty years.
Let's have no more explanations.
Save you breath and save your tears.
Honest work, just reward, that's the way to please the Lord.
A moment of your time, Javert.
I do believe this woman's tale.
But, Monsieur Mayor...
You've done your duty, let her be.
She needs a doctor, not a jail.
But, Monsieur Mayor...
Can this be?
Where will she end this child without a friend?
I've seen your face before.
Show me some way to help you.
How have you come to grief in a place such as this?
Monsieur, don't mock me now, I pray.
It's hard enough. I've lost my pride.
You let your foreman send me away.
Yes, you were there and turned aside.
I never did no wrong.
Is it true, what I have done...
My daughter's close to dying.
... to an innocent soul?
If there's a God above...
Had I only known then.
... he'd let me die instead.
In his name, my task has just begun.
I will see it done.
But, Monsieur Mayor...
I will see it done.
But, Monsieur Mayor!
I will see it done!
1 comentario:
Ayyyyyy!!!!!! com ploro/ como lloro
Gracias por el detalle.
(yo todavía no sé como se cuelgan los youtube directamente...jolines
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